Outdoor Gear Repair Portland Oregon

Forbes the best face masks according to top outdoor gear specialists.
Outdoor gear repair portland oregon. We love the outdoors as much as you. Mountain soles has come a long way since it moved back to portland in 1999. We are located in the beautiful bend oregon where outdoor recreation is plentiful and our goal is to keep outdoor gear going so that we can help our fellow outside lovers to stay outside. An oregon sewing company.
Fabric outerwear repairs how to ship your item for repair to rainy pass repair inc. Repairs can be sent to us via our mail order instructions. All items must be clean before sending in for repair. Ship it in.
Formerly repeat performance sports established in 2006 we specialize in quality outdoor gear consignment repair and sales. Outdoor gear repair 1298 bethel dr. Unfortunately portland area customers are not currently able to drop off repairs at rei or directly with us. Track your orders faster checkout exclusive coupons and more.
Specializing in sewing repairs on gore tex fabrics and other outdoor gear including sleeping bags jackets tents backpacks and more since 1986 rainy pass repair our partners in fabric repairs and services can also extend the life of your clothing and gear with alterations cleaning and down re lofting. Welcome to the gear fix. Eugene or 97402 541 735 7456. Free omcgear account sign up and save 10.
Menely successfully expanded the business beyond footwear repair to include outdoor clothing and gear repair. It s a great time to go through your closet and mail in your clothing and gear for repair. Technical outdoor clothing gear repair. He also opened up a retail location to streamline the pickup up and drop off process that revolved around portland s various outdoor shops and rock gyms.
Get a quote. Social distance stay safe. Take a look inside our fall 2020 collection and find out how our values inspiration design technology and community intersect to create our most expansive and detail driven product line to date. For the foreseeable future we will be running longer turn around times than in the past.