Outdoor Gear Repair

Specializing in sewing repairs on gore tex fabrics and other outdoor gear including sleeping bags jackets tents backpacks and more since 1986 rainy pass repair our partners in fabric repairs and services can also extend the life of your clothing and gear with alterations cleaning and down re lofting.
Outdoor gear repair. Broadway englewood co 80113. We love the outdoors as much as you. From gore tex to drysuit gaskets and even technical gear laundry services. On these occasions take your gear to a professional who can save you the hassle and give it a new lease of life.
Fixing your broken torn or worn out packs zippers and outer wear jackets pants and even tents. We can sew patch and repair all your wilderness equipment. Outdoor gear repair and maintenance to make your equipment last. Located in boulder colorado we provide repair manufacturing and product development services on sewn outdoor gear.
Outdoor gear repair wet suit repair 303 781 9044 hours. Fabric outerwear repairs how to ship your item for repair to rainy pass repair inc. Get a quote. We welcome local walk in customers as well as mail in repair services.
It s a great time to go through your closet and mail in your clothing and gear for repair. Ship it in. Eugene or 97402 541 735 7456. An oregon sewing company.
Technical outdoor clothing gear repair. Social distance stay safe and in the meantime prep for the summer. W th f 11 00 am 1 00 pm 3750 s. Outdoor brands can help in selecting new replacement gear or directing you to the closest retailer but not so much in terms of repair.
We are able to offer basic tent repair including tent pole repair and replacement zipper repair please note that we cannot do full replacement for tent zippers sewing jobs of technical fabrics ski boot repair and snowshoe repair. Boulder mountain repair is proud to provide professional repairs for all your outdoor gear including down garments technical shells sleeping bags tents backpacks and more. We are proud to offer general gear repair services to help keep perfectly good gear in use and out of the landfill. The fixed line is alaska s source for outdoor gear repair services.